August 5th,2022
The day has arrived Eli is back in school! My mama heart always gets so emotional seeing my baby grow up! He only has 2 more years [counting this one] before high school! I am thankful he has an amazing school . Great friends and wonderful teachers who pour their heart and soul into their students! Teachers really don’t get enough credit for all they do! I always reach out to Elis teachers to see how I can help with his classroom! A few things that come to mind are Kleenex’s, Hand Sanitizer, Lysol Wipes [flu season] kids constantly get sick around different times of the year, gift cards [especially teacher appreciation] Target+coffee, and extra school supplies . I know some teachers have to fund this from their own pockets if they don’t have enough.
There is just something about new school clothes, fresh haircut, new shoes, school supplies and backpack! Eli thrives in routine and luckily he is still at the same school with his friends for another 2 years!
Getting Eli prepared for school in advance helps us transition so that he won’t struggle when school starts. I atleast try to set this into place 2 weeks prior. He typically goes to bed 11pm during the summer and through the school year 9 pm. There are so many things he does once he’s out of school.
Checkout this cool back to school Board for under $7 at Hobby Lobby!
A typical school morning
- We wake up at 7am and Eli gets his clothes on. He sets them out the night before so he knows what hes wearing
- Eli will brush his hair + teeth
- He will make himself breakfast if I don’t cook that morning [ he can eat at school but chooses not too]
- If he makes his own food its normally cereal or sausage biscuit
- Then at 8am we try to be at the door
A typical evening on a school night
- I pick Eli up from school
- He grabs a snack [I try to do fruit, goldfish, veggie sticks or applesauce/yogurt]
- He does his homework while eating his snack
- If he doesn’t have homework he can have screen time/ or play with is friends outside
- I make dinner at 6-7pm so he will eat a full meal
- He packs his own lunch after dinner and stores away
- he showers at 8pm and can watch a movie
- Settle down/relax until bedtime
- at 9 bedtime
School Calenders are super important to us because we love to travel! I can plan in advance our trips if I have the exact dates and I have been using this method every since. I know when he’s off and plan around his school schedule.
As a parent I myself had had a hard time finding new healthy foods for school lunches.
A follower of mine asked me what I thought and I just so happen to run across healthy foods on Pinterest! I keyed in the key phrase healthy school lunches for kids! Once I start making Elis lunch I‘ll come back and add photos of his lunches so be sure to keep checking this post!
How do you prepare for a busy school year?! Leave a comment below🤍